Christmas Lights dress up

Wednesday the 11th of December the conditions look perfect for a midnight sail! (or maybe an early evening sail). A steady evening breeze and cooler conditions after the rain created a safe empty wading pool. The DF65s were being dressed up with Christmas lights, got glow sticks attached or had bike lights hidden in the hull (white boats only). To allow for some racing we carefully equipped the buoys and a few extra milk bottles with more lights. A tactically positioned start line was easy to see. The outside markers and gates caused more problems as the night got darker. The lights helped, but as the evening progressed, so did the number of mark contacts! As for racing the heavier batteries were slowing some of the boats down, so as the night progressed instead of starboard/port rights we agreed upon “no lights no rights” rule. Lots of by-passers enjoyed the variety of Christmas lights across the different boats and the sailors had lots of fun.


Another Inspirational Day