Become a WMRMYC Supporter :)
Supporters Packages – 2023
Thank you for considering being a supporter of the Wynnum Manly Radio Model Yacht Club
Our club is seeking financial assistance by way of supporters, to ease some of the costs of running the club and to develop more programs for our members. You support is very much appreciated and our members will do all they can to support your business by way of patronage and by promotion of your business and services on our website and social media.
Being a supporter means:
You are supporting a healthy activity for men and women in the local SEQ area
Be seen to be a community supporter
Advertising your services to members and passers-by during events and on our website and social media including Facebook* and Youtube*
Most events happen on the Manly Esplanade on Sundays, giving great exposure to public pedestrian and road traffic on a market day.
And of course you’ll feel really good about supporting us!